I Primal Fear entreranno a Luglio in studio per iniziare le registrazioni del nuovo disco ancora senza un titolo, di seguito il comunicato completo.

Just a quick news update – we will start the recordings for our new, yet unnamed album in early July. We’ve received over 500 albsum title proposals from the fans and we thank you for this overwhelming feedback. The songwriting session was a blast and we’ve never recordied a better pre-production.
We’ve extended the recording contract with Frontiers Records for 2 more new studio-albums – never change a winning team! Frontiers Records will release an official statement soon. We’re preparing for the festivals in Wacken & Geiselwind and will take a break from the recordings for this two prestigious festivals. We’re in negoatiations to play 3 shows in Poland in eraly September and working hard to realize these shows!

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