Former KING CRIMSON Guitarist TREY GUNN Discusses PETER GABRIEL Tribute Project - "What If We Really Dig Into The Older, Darker, Epic Pieces?"

In a new interview with music writer Joel Gausten, former King Crimson member Trey Gunn discusses his work with The Security Project, a Peter Gabriel tribute band that includes former Peter Gabriel drummer Jerry Marotta and ex-Shriekback guitarist Michael Cozzi.

Although Peter Gabriel boasts a massive discography on his own as well as with Genesis, the members of The Security Project focus on the earliest, most experimental period in the singer’s long-running solo career. Currently, the band’s set utilizes material from Gabriel’s first four eponymous solo albums (released from 1977 to 1982) and 1983’s ‘Plays Live’ (Marotta served as Gabriel’s drummer from 1977 to 1986). Gunn sees working with the group as an opportunity to explore music that has moved him throughout the years.

“I really love that older material a lot,” he says. “In fact, the third record (commonly known among fans as Melt) was just one of those lightning bolt records for me. I was like, ‘What the hell is this? What am I listening to? This is so cool. I can’t tell what the sounds are; I can’t tell how the music’s put together, but I just love it.’ That record had a big impact on me.”

With The Security Project, Gabriel fans can enjoy a journey through an era that hasn’t been explored by the singer for quite some time.

“The idea was, ‘What if we really took seriously this older Peter material that he doesn’t play anymore?’” Gunn explains. “Peter got so huge with the ‘So’ record and onward; he really focuses on his big hits, so we thought, ‘What if we really dig into the older, darker, epic pieces from that period that he doesn’t approach anymore for whatever reason? Let’s do the things that Peter’s not doing from this era that we really love.’ To me, it was just this great way to explore what I think is just some really awesome material.”

The complete interview is available at this location. For information on The Security Project here.

Photo by Eric de Bruijn Fotografie
